There are events and moments when I receive signs that my sweetheart's brain is still operating -- when his executive functioning still functions. At these moments I send up thank you prayers to God. For example -- when the new deck was finished I had one of the workers write out a handwritten note that he had received my check. I folded this and put it on a stack where I keep money notes that I need to be aware of. Well, my spouse found the note and wrote himself a note and then gave me a check for half of the amount he found on the receipt. This wasn't for the full amount of the deck but that didn't matter to me. What mattered was that his brain was working well enough to do of the following:
- Remember that we have had an arrangement in the past where we each pay half of the household expenses (and the deck is a big household expense).
- Calculate what half of the bill was.
- Write me a check.
- Give me the check.
It didn't matter, of course, that it wasn't for the full amount (I have access to all of our shared funds). What mattered was that he still remembers stuff about how we live together.
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